11th Annual Cloud & Big Data Analytics 2018

Bharat Book Bureau glad to announce “11th Annual Cloud & Big Data Analytics 2018” to be held on Nov 29, 2018 at Sterlings Mac (Matthan Hotel), Bangalore, India

“Convergence of two key technologies”


The 11th Annual Cloud & Big Data Analytics 2018 focuses on the emerging area of cloud, inspired by some latest advances that concern the infrastructure, operations, and available services through the global network. The conference is nevertheless not about the union of these two (already broad) fields, but about cloud where we are also interested in how services science can provide theory, methods and techniques to design, analyse, manage, market and study various aspects of cloud computing.

The data industry is growing fast, Cloud Conference has grown right along with it. We’ve added new sessions and tracks to reflect challenges that have emerged in the data field including Data Security, Data Analytics, AI, Hybrid Cloud, Machine Learning, Digital Transformation and much more.

We need to take a closer look, discerning what emerging enterprise technologies are and how they can catalyse creativity and produce a competitive advantage. This emerging facilitation and way of utilizing services through IT is what we are referring to as Cloud Computing.

It gives us immense pleasure in welcoming you to the 11th Annual Cloud & Big Data Analytics 2018

11th Annual Cloud & Big Data Analytics 2018


– IoT and Big Data: The profitable advantage
– Case studies of how large corporations are implementing IoT
– Driving industry innovation with hybrid cloud
– Achieving API development and portal managed services in cloud
– Enabling greater innovation with cloud infrastructure and cloud apps for your business
– Choosing the right cloud services and tools
– Transforming the culture of business and science with the help of big data
– Strategic and operational view on companies advancement to leverage their big data investments
– Cloud Security: Regulatory compliance and adaption for DevOps
– Addressing the new liabilities of Sensitive Data
– Machine learning and data analytics: Whats next?
– Exploring benefits of using cloud for data analytics and machine learning
– Cloud, Edge and Fog Computing – Developing ways for IoT data
– Amount of data needed to be handled at or closer to the devices themselves
– Optimum way to build, evaluate and operationalize artificial intelligence
– Apply strategies to reach efforts and develop center of excellence to operationalize intelligence
– Digital transformation: Transform your business with the help of advanced technology
– Building an adaptable and resilient digital environment
– Network in our combined exhibition and catering area
– Evening networking reception for all attendees


Business managers, IT professionals and Channel managers should all be present at the 11th Annual Cloud & Big Data Analytics 2018. All job titles starting from the top management from the following categories:

– CISOs, Security Consultants, CTOs
– Device Manufacturers
– Sensors and Embedded Systems Companies
– Systems Integrators
– Enterprise Product management and development
– Service Providers – Fixed, Wireless and Satellite
– Developers
– Content and Contact Managers
– Technology
– Product
– Strategy
– Storage
– Business Analysts
– Database/Data Center
– Hosting
– Training
– System and Network Integrators
– Data Center Managers
– Telecoms and Tech
– Compliance and Policy
– Network Administrators


11th Annual Cloud & Big Data Analytics 2018 is the place to meet all the key decision makers across the entire Internet of Things eco-system from enterprises, telecom operators, regulators, government agencies, service providers, system integrators and vendors. This summit will provide great networking opportunities with industry leaders, presenting you with the opportunity to meet and do business with likeminded individuals. Get more from the event, with a broader scope bringing the whole communications value chain together, Enjoy and make the best out of our dedicated networking time, meet the leading international vendors. Expand your knowledge of the latest BUSINESS MODELS and strategies in the high-level conference, showcasing the products of tomorrow in the co-located exhibition.

For complete details click here : https://www.bharatbook.com/Events/11th-annual-cloud-big-data-analytics-2018/8

Contact us at:

Bharat Book Bureau
Tel: +91 22 27810772 / 27810773
Email: poonam@bharatbook.com
Website: www.bharatbook.com

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