Kim Nystrøm Mørch appointed as Head of Logistics Excellence Consulting at BusinessCode

In his new role at BusinessCode, Kim Nystrøm Mørch is going to help develop customized logistics solutions tailored to client“s individual needs and thus optimize their logistical processes, reduce costs, and enhance service quality.

Bonn, June 18, 2024 “ BusinessCode is pleased to announce the appointment of Kim Nystrøm Mørch as the new Head of Logistics Excellence Consulting“, says BusinessCode CEO Martin Schulze. „With his impressive experience and expertise, Kim is going to play a key role in driving the growth and innovation strategy of BusinessCode in the field of logistics consulting.“

Kim Nystrøm Mørch brings extensive experience in optimizing logistics processes and implementing data-driven solutions across various industries. While still in college, he worked at DHL and early on recognized the potential of data analysis and process optimization in logistics. From there he went on to serve as a senior logistics optimization consultant at various prominent logistics companies, where he was instrumental in developing and implementing strategies to enhance efficiency and profitability.

„I noticed that many companies still relied on retrospective metrics and reacted to problems reactively rather than proactively“, Nystrøm Mørch explains. Determined to change this status quo, he began developing innovative approaches to data analysis and process optimization. „I have always worked closely with the team and supervisors to implement new methods of data collection and analysis, enabling informed decision-making.“

These experiences eventually led Nystrøm Mørch to collaborate with BusinessCode, a company specializing in technological solutions for the logistics industry. For more than two decades, BusinessCode has been a leader in the provision of customised IT solutions, especially for the logistics sector. The Bonn-based IT company has a broad customer portfolio that includes globally recognized companies such as DHL Express, Aramex, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and Kühne & Nagel. With the BlueBoxAir tracking solution from its subsidiary BlueBox Systems, BusinessCode is also one of the leading software providers in the field of air freight visibility.

„We“re a perfect match“, Nystrøm Mørch says about BusinessCode. „We can combine our knowledge and experience to introduce innovative technologies such as dynamic dashboards and machine learning to optimize operational processes and achieve significant improvements.“

Martin Schulze agrees: „By combining analytical skills with a deep understanding of the logistics industry, Kim Nystrøm Mørch has successfully contributed to transforming companies and enhancing their performance. His commitment to innovation and continuous improvement is reflected in his career trajectory and contribution to the logistics industry. We are very happy to welcome him to our team.“

With the appointment of Kim Nystrøm Mørch as Head of Logistics Excellence Consulting, BusinessCode will further solidify its position as a leading provider of consultancy services in the field of business development. „Kim“s extensive experience and passion for optimizing logistics processes will make a significant contribution to providing our clients with top-notch consulting services and strengthening their competitiveness“, Martin Schulze says.

Seit über 20 Jahren steht BusinessCode für maßgeschneiderte IT-Lösungen. Tagtäglich arbeiten mehr als 20.000 Anwender national und international mit Software des Bonner IT-Dienstleisters. Nähe und Erreichbarkeit zeichnen BusinessCode ebenso aus wie Know-how und Kompetenz der langjährig im Unternehmen tätigen Mitarbeiter.
Kernbranche ist seit 1999 die Logistik, in der die BusinessCode mit weltweit agierenden Kunden wie DHL Express, Aramex, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics und Kühne & Nagel nicht nur über ein breites Kundenportfolio verfügt, sondern auch ein einzigartiges Branchen Know-how aufgebaut hat.
Die Basis der individuellen und auf die Kundenwünsche abgestellten IT-Lösungen, bildet die hauseigene Software-Library BCD-Suite. Sie ist das Ergebnis der langjährigen Arbeitsweise von BusinessCode.
Modernste Technologien gepaart mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung und bewährten Lösungsideen, so arbeitet BusinessCode daran, seine Kunden national wie international noch erfolgreicher zu machen.
Die unternehmerische Verantwortung für die BusinessCode liegt seit dem Management Buy-Out 2020 bei 10 aktiv im Unternehmen tätigen Mitarbeitern.

Martin Schulze
Am Hof 28
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)228 – 33885- 211
E-Mail: 4359d4cfc4bca158a7721a9a303ae8776cea87c6

SCL – Strategy Communication Lötters
Dr. Christine Lötters
Zur Marterkapelle 30
53127 Bonn
Phone: 0228.20947820
E-Mail: 4359d4cfc4bca158a7721a9a303ae8776cea87c6

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