Manuel Hachenburger informs: Promise, nothing as a promise!

( – News) Bad Nauheim. Direct candidate in the constituency 177 betting rough for the parliamentary elections choice in 2009 on 27 September! – There are many air numbers and word hulls by the parliamentarians to convince the citizen how well they do your work!


For 40 years it has been for no-one was capably of it government, excellent to lower the national debts, neither the coalition nor the opposition!

It came to the great, tax increase in the story of Germany through the grand coalition in 2008. It further came to the great, national debt of all times in 2009. A value of 2 billions euros is soon reached.

At a, redemption of only 2% lasts the take down 600 years.

Modern vehicles need less and less petrol, lasting into, the 80 he which was price by 35 cent and the vehicles consumed by 15 litres, year is the value at approx. 1.30 euros at a consumption of 6 – 7 litre, today.


The fewer water is used up, all the higher the municipal taxes get, since the sewage system must be washed with water to avoid damages!

This one rips off with the current in three steps:

1. Well, the light bulbs are forbidden for the producers, high consumption.
2. It only admits to economizing bulbs which, however, do not all too long keep and are more expensive any more how light bulbs and some consume this one.
3. In the last step her producer increases the prices again.

High unemployment is wanted:

Why are the parliamentarians against a minimum wage?

It would be 10 euros per hour necessary here!

No 1 euro jobs, unpaid traineeships and unpaid work would give more in the context of courses. You are unemployed, longer than 1 year every job is then reasonable!

It is all about this a profit maximization of some takes place and the rest is made use of!

The unemployed statistics is manipulated, jobs mentioned above count as Work activity , the statistics remote and persons over 58 turn into sick persons. They get low unemployment figures only in such a way.

The same parliamentarians pass laws that they must work to 67 although a person over 50 is known to these representatives that has, hardly chances on the labour market. You are partly forced to feel in pension earlier then gives, a deduction 18% of the pension of 0.3% or at most, however. Pay on her this one then still must and the health insurance company is also paid by it!

The working time law

At a time, being increased the permitted times in the working time law where jobs are reduced. These are times of over 12 hours per day possible or 3 days at 24 hours readiness; and up to 72 hours, the week, if in the cut 48 hours, be not exceeded within 6 months!

The instrument of the short-time work is running out now. Many will dismiss persons after the choice.

Whole time is only possible in the conventional meaning not more than 35 hours the week when everybody works less again. Her colleagues must work longer or everyone colleagues who does not work pay this one. Your contributions increase constantly. Everybody would work less again it would come to that that everybody had more, after a short time at disposal in proportion to before again! Since many pay in social registers into this one again!

The government is not interested to change the working time law!

The health, insurance companies!

By the unit contribution it comes to high costs. This one insured on again the, be put on. Very large additional payments threaten at a worse performance. The contribution was the money only does not reach increased again.

The greatest nonsense before the choice:

Posters stand everywhere and the drivers turn away, accidents could arise through this. Millions to money become verb instalments for the advertising by throw pieces of paper, advertisements and similar advertising material. The advertising material very often lands of the post-box directly in the waste paper.

It first is printed, hardly read and destroyed. Paper is consumed and the environment charged unnecessarily, if there was an ecology party, she would stop this nonsense.

Much is promised, but our representatives of the people must nothing stop. So described article 38 in the constitution: „You are representatives of the people, not bound and subjected to only her conscience to orders and instructions“.


Why does at all an election campaign take place then? Promises and nothing hold!

Please, they support me with your donations. Your remittances are asked for by westerns union under detail of your transaction number by mail or letter

Manuel Hachenburger
Hochwaldstraße 4
61231 Bad Nauheim
Telephone + telefax
+49 60 32 7 15 63


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