The biobag is BioMass Packaging’s solution to the use of petroleum based plastic bags that are polluting the environment needlessly. The BioBag at BioMass Packaging was the first bag of this type to be nationally distributed. This one hundred percent certified compostable bag can be disposed of at any municipality or commercial composting facility. Customers can rest easily knowing that there is no polyethylene components used in producing the biobag. These bags use materials that are not manufactured from chemicals.
The biobag consists of both plant starch and other resources that are commonly found in nature. Many people separate their trash and recycling. Just imagine what would happen if everyone started composting as well. Composting ensures that the impact that the human species makes on the planet would significantly decrease. The biobags are made to keep food fresher by allowing the food to breathe while inside the bags.
Since the recent awareness brought by the staggering reports of the toxic imprint that the human race is leaving on the planet, people have been searching for ways of lessening that impact. Many stores have given shoppers the option of buying reusable bags to use instead of the plastic bags. Many of these shoppers that buy these bags will forget the bags at home. The biobag can help these customers by giving the option of a compostable bag that will not harm the environment.
If stores just switched out the plastic bags for these bags, the environmental impact would be significantly reduced. Biobags are available in a varitity of sizes and shapes to give the consumer the same options that plastic bags have available. The biobag 3 gallon bags are just a sturdy as the plastic bags without hurting the environment. Please consider switching from harmful plastics to the environmentally friendly biobag.
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