Celebrity Publicist Toni Embry To Visit Indianapolis Using #IndyPeople To Dispel #BoycottIndiana

Chief Celebrity Publicist Toni Embry Will Visit Indianapolis, Indiana Tuesday, April 7th Through Thursday April 9th, And Use The Hastag #IndyPeople To Dispel The Hashtag #BoycottIndiana And The Religious Freedom Restoration Act Controversy.

Indianapolis, Indiana, APR 05, 2015 — Chief Celebrity Publicist Toni Embry Of Glace Entertainment Public Relations, Will Visit Indianapolis, Indiana Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 Through Thursday, April 9th, 2015 And Use The Hashtag #IndyPeople To Investigate And Dispel The Hashtag #BoycottIndiana And The Hype Behind The Religious Freedom Restoration Act Controversy.

The decision was that of Toni’s after researching the Religious Freedom Restoration Act That Governor Mike Pence signed on March 26, 2015 and seeing the devastating impact it had on Indiana ran businesses and in her opinion, the people of Indiana.

„Today I admit to something that is probably the hardest thing for any human ever to admit, I allowed pride to blind me to the truth and in doing so have contributed to the unnecessary bullying of an entire State and its people. For that I am very sorry and sincerely apolozize to the people of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana.”

When Governor Pence signed the Indiana RFRA I saw so many media outlets, businesses, celebrities, and other strong voices on social media, speak out against it using #BoycottIndiana that I was quick to join in. The basis of me joining in was that I have always championed for and protected members of the LGBT community so why would I not protect and stand by them now? I have so many family members, close friends, colleagues, and people who are extremely close to me that are LGBT so my passion is strong. However, slowly I started to see that the #BoycottIndiana Hashtag was fueling so much hatred of the state of Indiana and its people. I realized that in an effort to protect a group of people I think should never be judged without knowing who they are, I was in essence doing just that to the State of Indiana and its people. I had become what I sought out to protect against and really, I became what I despise most, a hypocrite. I had contributed to the bullying of state that because I have close family members who live there, have visited many times and have loved. I have visited Indianapolis with family, friends, and other people close to me from the LGBT community countless times and have never encountered one case of discrimination towards me or the people visiting with me. It was at this moment that I asked myself why I had done this. The answer came to me very quickly. I had too much pride to admit that I was wrong.”

“Knowing what I know now, I cannot nor will continue to sit silently by and allow pride to negatively impact people of a city and state that I love. People who a hardworking, strong, loving, and kind people, accepting of all. The Hashtag #BoycottIndiana is not protecting the LGBT community; it is causing big businesses, events, and other economical contributions to the city and state to no longer want to conduct business there. In doing this the Hashtag is economically crippling small businesses and the hard working people of this city and state. Many of those people who are part of the LGBT community themselves. The incident involving „Memories Pizza“ was bullying at its highest form. If a LGBT business was treated in that manner I would have been the first to rally behind them. I have learned a great deal from the situation involving RFRA and Indiana. The two most important being 1, I will never allow myself to become that in which I protect against and 2, it is great to be proud but never allow pride to disillusion you. Though the letters involved in those words being different are few their meanings are far different.”

“From Tuesday, April 7th and Thursday April 9th, I am going to visit Indianapolis, IN. I am going to visit small businesses, local area attractions, places to eat and shop, the local recording artists/musicians and of course its many different and diverse neighborhoods, and share my experience via social media using the Hashtag #IndyPeople to show the world the people of Indianapolis and Indiana. I want everyone to see who they really are devastating in this situation and I want the world to see the amazing people and Hoosier Hospitality I have witnessed many times“. I am going to share using my Twitter account https://twitter.com/ToniEmbry as well as the social media networks of my company. I encourage the people, businesses (both large and small), local recording artists/musicians, and political and public figures of Indianapolis and Indiana to share their photographs, videos, and posts using Hashtag #IndyPeople on these days to assist me in showing the world that Indianapolis, Indiana and its people are indeed very accepting of all and that they are far more than a Hashtag!“ – Chief Celebrity Publicist Toni Embry – Glacé Entertainment Public Relations™ –

View And Share On GlacePR’s Social Media Platforms Here – http://www.glaceentertainmentpr.com/Social-Media.html

To Schedule An Interview Request With Ms. Embry On Her Visit To Indianapolis, IN. Or If You Are A Local Business, Area Attraction, Recording Artist (having an event to attend or shooting a music video), NightClub, Etc That Would Like Ms. Embry To Visit, Please E-Mail Her Assistant Luccio At SeniorPublicist@GlaceEntertainmentPR.com

Please understand that due to scheduling Ms. Embry may not be able to accommodate all request to visit.

Condensed Bio of Chief Celebrity Publicist Toni Embry
(for full biography, client list, and additional press assets please use email address listed above)

Toni Embry is an American Born (Chicago) Puerto Rican and Italian Entertainment Publicist and has been in the entertainment industry since the age of 2 (spanning 25 years now) as an actress, dancer, singer. She began her career as an entertainment publicist upon graduating college in 2005 and has represented and worked with some of today’s hottest „A“ listers.

Glacé Entertainment Public Relations™

(gla·cé: (French adjective) – Having A Glossy Surface or Highly Polished) is a full-service, award winning, boutique entertainment public relations firm representing celebrity actors, models, recording artists, and personalities

Founded in 2006 Glacé Entertainment Public Relations™ is a full-service, award winning, boutique entertainment public relations firm. Boutique means we represent only exceptional talent and keep a limited number of clients on our roster at any given point. We do this to provide our clients with premium, luxurious, glossy service. We represent celebrity actors (film/t.v.), models (fashion print & runway), fashion designers, and recording artists (rap – hip hop – r&b – pop). With our Social Media Development and Maintenance department, we reach 24.6 million engaged fans and industry insiders with a single click. We are not limiting our clients to traditional publicity; we are utilizing the internet, social media platforms and sites to elevate their brand with more impact than ever before!


For More Information: Luccio Torres, 6467839616, seniorpublicist@glaceentertainmentpr.com