Classical Guitar Lessons Available In New Online Series

Wayne, Pennsylvania, May 1st, 2013 – From teenagers in their bedrooms to executives at music labels, it seems few deny that The Internet has changed music forever. Most of the reports regarding the changes in music brought about by the Internet focus on the downloading aspect, both legal and illegal, which has created many changes in the quality of music production as well as income streams to artists, producers and record companies. What often gets neglected is that the Internet has changed how music gets taught. The ease with which video can be produced and put on the Internet has meant that techniques of playing music can now be immediately distributed. Where a book with diagrams, or a teacher, would have once been needed, readily available video now offers access to playing techniques in detail never before available.

Classical Guitar Secrets (http// is a new DVD course on playing classical guitar. Those looking for success with classical guitar can find many classical jam tracks. Classical guitar technique can benefit any guitar player from wholesale blues guitar to rock. The essence of classical technique crosses over into many modern genres. Styles like progressive rock rely on classical guitar style and structure.

The Internet has made it possible for those who study guitar to very quickly cross disciplines between styles, with musicians evolving and integrating various styles never before brought together. The lessons are given by renown classical guitarist Lily Afshar. The website offers a free video lesson demonstrating „Minuet“ by JS Bach.

Claude Johnson
Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087