Disney to rename African Princess due to copyright dispute over African Animation film titled The Secret Princess

In 1937 Walter Elias Disney produced the first ever feature animated movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Eighty years after, the Walt Disney corporation now the largest entertainment company in the world has been accused of copying the first original feature animation film from Africa.

The book and film titled Sade The Secret Princess is the subject of unethical damage by Disney. Sade The Secret Princess which was created by writer and filmmaker Segun Williams is an original story from an African perspective with entertainment and educational values embedded in the storyline.

The unethical damage by Disney to the character of Princess Sade over westernising the African character is coming in the same month that an anti-racism charity set up a petition to tell Disney to „stop whitewashing“ their black characters after an outcry on lightning Princess Tiana which happens to be Disney’s first black Princess.

Princess Sade the main character of The Secret Princess seems to have been taken over by Disney which for the first time ever announced a new undeveloped project’s Character name as Princess Sade which usually is a guarded secret despite there been and original African Princess Sade from the book and film titled Sade The Secret Princess.

The action by Disney caused search engine relegation of The original African Princess Sade replacing the book and film keywords with Disney’s planned African Princess Sade despite the novelty of the former being the first original feature animation from Africa featuring black animation characters and an African cast and crew. The powerful Disney brand quickly trumped The Secret Princess film which was produced in 2013.

Walt Disney had previously made an African animation film before but it was a story focused on Animals titled The Lion King. With the financial success of Black Panther, Disney’s planned Princess Sade could simply be another financial quest.

Sade The Secret Princess which is the first original animated movie from Africa is getting supports from fans around the worlds who are accusing Walt Disney of ripping of the main character named Princess Sade.
The Story about an African Princess who suffers rejection and grows up in the jungle is the first of its kind ever made featuring African characters that actually talk like African people without sounding like imitations of African accents like was found in The Black Panther movie.

Princess Sade the main character of the movie has become popular with its own merchandise including Princess Sade dolls which could compete with a western version of Disney’s Princess Sade Dolls in the future.

The striking similarity of the project gives the impression of an intentional move by Disney to suppress or ride on the success of the original African movie.

The move by Disney to announce a planned Princess Sade was quickly pointed out by fans of the original African Princess Sade who called out Disney for unethical action to hijack Princess Sade character and westernizing her.

On Social media a fan commented “This is unfair by Disney; Just imagine having to choose between two Barbie dolls of different looks and different story from different studios across continent.” This could be the faith of Princess Sade.

TransTales Entertainment the studio behind the original movie announced that they reached out to Walt Disney and confirmed that Disney had agreed to change the name of their Planned African Princess Sade to another name despite the search engine damage already caused to the book and Movie titled Sade The Secret Princess. However the creator of the original African Princess Sade and author of the book of the same title noted that the damage was already done and believes that Walter Elias Disney would not have approved of the way the Disney corporation is stifling children Animation from Africa.

Anne Smith