Free Water Made In Your Backyard From A Solar Watermaker

A company based in Australia is using solar power and electricity to turn air into water. To be built by September 2013, the technology will be backpack sized having the ability to generate 100 to 200 litres of pure fresh water a day. This size is ideal to suit hirise balconys, homes, boating, camping, post disaster areas, military, desert areas and third world countries.

Water is one of our most precious resources and one that all life on earth needs to survive. It is also a resource that hundreds of millions of people on earth go without proper access to day after day. In some dry counties in landlocked areas, there are millions of people who have to walk for many miles just to carry back the water necessary for a day’s usage. To add to this issue, fresh water on earth is a resource that is becoming more scarce.

This technology could be a saving grace for many across the planet who suffer from droughts and lack of fresh water. Having fresh water on tap can help fight diseases, cure dehydration, and keep crops alive that are needed for food. This Australian company is seeking financial help through Indiegogo Crowdfunding to help continue their important development. If this air to water process is able to go global, it can help put a stop to hunger in many places that have always had persistent issues with access to food and drink. Subsistence farming would be easier and many remote villages could be saved as well.

By giving a pledge to the Indiegogo funding that helps freshwaterFACTORY, you can have bottles of this super clean water mailed to you….and, for as little as $10 you can help spread the access of freshwater to those who need it. Get the free pdf that gives you a preview of the Indiegogo campaign:!/pages/Free-WATER/472969986083126

Company: freshwaterFACTORY