G+J launches „Parenting Network“ as first transnational online project / Seven countries to be included in launch

(BSOZD.com-NEWS) Hamburg. G+J International is establishing a new international parenting network, based on the German ELTERN.de website, in a move which represents G+J’s first transnational online project. By the end of 2008 local websites will go online in Croatia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia and Spain. In 2009 the worldwide rollout will continue. The beta version was already launched at the end of September in Croatia (www.roditelji.hr) and by the end of October the parenting website in Italy will also go online (www.nostrofiglio.it).

This expansion of the Parenting Network will also mark the first time that G+J includes countries where it has no local magazine. At present G+J publishes parenting magazines in Croatia (MOJE DIJETE), Poland (RODZICE) and Spain (SER PADRES).

Next to GEO, ELTERN represents the second G+J brand to be systematically „internationalized“.

The Parenting Network was developed in close cooperation with the editorial team at ELTERN.de and is based on a uniform, centrally developed technical platform as well as on the transfer of content between the various sites. The project will be centrally managed, with images, text, videos and the online platform all coming from ELTERN.de.

Small teams in each of the target nations will be responsible for adapting this centrally delivered content to local requirements, as well as for the creation of local content, for traffic and community management and for advertising sales.

These national teams will not follow a central branding strategy, but rather will develop their own brand image with their own individual corporate design and content positioning.

In the words of Dr. Torsten-Jörn Klein, Member of the G+J Executive Board and President of G+J International: „The launch of the Parenting Network represents the starting shot for the online internationalization of our brand. For this brand expansion we will continue to rely heavily on the excellent cooperation between our domestic and international divisions.“


Further information:

Alexander Adler
Vice President, Media Relations
20444 Hamburg
Phone: +49-40-3703-2244
Telefax: +49-40-3703-5617
E-mail: adler.alexander@guj.de
Internet: www.guj.de