HEp-2 PAD, Malaria PAD, CellInterpret Products for Automated Microscopic Image Interpretation

Leipzig (pressrelations) –

HEp-2 PAD, Malaria PAD, CellInterpret Products for Automated Microscopic Image Interpretation

Dear Sir or Madam,

Best wishes for you and your company for a successful New Year 2010 from the ImageInterpret GmbH team.

As hitherto ImageInterpret GmbH will support you also in 2010 with our automatically solutions for high content object classification in digital images.

Our tool Cell-Interpret® is a complete automated High Content Analysis software solution for the classification of objects in digital microscopic images for applications in the whole area of Live Science. Examples for practicable solutions are e.g. HEp-2 PAD® for cell pattern classification in immunodiagnostics and Malaria-PAD® for the classification of malaria infected blood cells.

With our solutions we have created a standard. The automation allows reproducing the results at any time under the same conditions and the results are comparable.

Please take a look at our website for our products (www.imageinterpret.de ) or join our next tutorial on Standardization of Fluorescence Pattern.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on our products or our tutorial.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas Gerber
Sales Manager

ImageInterpret GmbH
Augustusplatz 9
D-04109 Leipzig/Germany

Tel : +49 341 3068663
Fax : +49 341 8612275
E-Mail: info@imageinterpret.de
Web : www.imageinterpret.de

Registered at the local district court of the city Leipzig HRB 21091.