HOCHTIEF to build road in England and Salzburg Main Station for EUR 85 million

Essen (pressrelations) –

HOCHTIEF to build road in England and Salzburg Main Station for EUR 85 million

Salzburg transportation hub to become a through-station extension of two motorway sections in Kent

HOCHTIEF Construction has been awarded the contract for two transportation projects in England and Austria with a total volume of more than EUR 85 million. HOCHTIEF Construction Austria will be expanding the main railway station at Salzburg. The contract has a volume of EUR 50 million. HOCHTIEF Construction UK is extending two sections of motorway in a joint venture in the county of Kent. The contract has a total volume of EUR 64 million and HOCHTIEF?s share amounts to around EUR 35 million.

While maintaining day-to-day operations, the Salzburg hub will be enlarged into a through-station with a capacity of 25,000 passengers per day. As part of the project, which will be running until 2014, HOCHTIEF will be revamping platforms with a total length of over three kilometers and replacing the current pedestrian tunnel with a broad passage linking two parts of the city. Close to Kent International Airport, HOCHTIEF Construction UK is extending the two sections of motorway to a length of eight kilometers. One particularly challenging aspect will be the underpass beneath an operating railway line. The project will be completed in 2012.

HOCHTIEF is one of the leading international providers of construction-related services. With more than 64,000 employees and a sales volume of EUR 19.10 billion in FY 2008, the company is represented in all the world?s major markets. The Group’s service offering in the fields of development, construction, services, concessions and operation covers the entire life cycle of infrastructure projects, real estate and facilities. In the USA, the biggest construction market in the world, HOCHTIEF is the No. 1 general builder via its subsidiary Turner and, with Group company Flatiron, ranks among the most important players in the field of transportation infrastructure construction. With its subsidiary Leighton (HOCHTIEF share around 55 percent), the group is market leader in Australia. Because of its engagement for sustainability, HOCHTIEF has been listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes since 2006. Further information is available at www.hochtief.com/press.

HOCHTIEF Construction as a service-oriented construction company bundles the traditional core business of the HOCHTIEF Group in Europe. This mainly includes building construction, and civil and structural engineering. The company has specialized in complex market segments such as high-rise buildings, airports, tunnels and power plants. HOCHTIEF Construction is the management company of the Europe corporate division which employs more than 9,000 staff. In addition to the classical construction business, the partnership-based business model PreFair and the property development business FormArt, the company offers its clients comprehensive service packages such as building diagnoses. Further information is available at www.hochtief-construction.com.

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