Italienischer Verkehrstechnik- Anbieter Ansaldo STS kommuniziert global per Videokonferenztechnik von BT

München (pressrelations) –

Italienischer Verkehrstechnik- Anbieter Ansaldo STS kommuniziert global per Videokonferenztechnik von BT

Ansaldo STS, ein traditionsreiche italienischer Hersteller von Verkehrstechnik für die Bahn sowie für weitere Massentransportmittel mit Sitz in Genua, vertraut ab sofort auf die Videokonferenztechnik von BT Global Services.

Die neue Lösung Video UCC ist ein fortschrittliches Videokonferenzsystem, das auch Unified-Communications- und Collaboration-Anwendungen unterstützt und sowohl Videokonferenz-Systeme von Tandberg als auch eine Microsoft Live Meeting-Plattform beinhaltet.

Die mehr als 4,200 Mitarbeiter in weltweit 28 Ländern können auf diese Weise ihre Effizienz und ihre Produktivität steigern, etwa, in dem sie in Form von Standort-übergreifenden Teams miteinander arbeiten.

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Ansaldo STS „video? communicates globally thanks to BT Global Services

BT Global Services has signed an agreement to provide Ansaldo STS, a leading provider of technology for railways and mass transit transportation systems headquartered in Genoa, Italy, with an advanced video solution for unified communication and collaboration (Video UCC). This will allow more than 4,200 employees in 28 countries in the group to increase their levels of efficiency and productivity, whilst working in teams from different locations.

The solution integrates a Tandberg to deliver video communication-services centrally via a Microsoft Live Meeting platform, which will connect over 5,000 users. The project also plans to set up 38 videoconferencing rooms, with Tandberg High Definition video communications equipment, spread over 20 group locations.

The application, designed and developed by BT in close partnership with Ansaldo, aims to increase the use of video communication services throughout the company, by making them easier for employees to use and understand.

Ansaldo employees will be able to book a conference between two rooms simply through a web portal or their Microsoft Outlook calendar, meaning anyone can make a video call from their PC to one of the videoconferencing rooms.

All system-support services (reservations, help desk for the use of equipment and facilitators, for the most important events and meetings) will be supplied by the operator.

The five-year contract also provides a training plan which will promote the full benefits of the Video UCC solution to all employees as well as teaching them how to use it properly.
BT will also make sure Ansaldo receives reports on Key Performance Indicators and service quality standards through a standard consultancy approach.

Alongside the UCC Videos project, BT has extended the data network of Ansaldo STS, to a further 10 locations in Australia, United States, India and Malaysia to the MPLS (multiprotocol label switching) network.

‚We are proud that, thanks to the excellent relationship we have established with Ansaldo STS over the years, they have decided to choose BT to deliver this global Video UCC project,‘ said Corrado Sciolla, vice president BT Italia. ‚Today we can say that we are not just a supplier of Ansaldo STS, but we are a true partner, able to suggest the best technologies and design the best solution to meet the needs of a growing company that plays a starring role in international markets.‘

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