Millions of Professing Christians Need to Seek the True Salvation

October 21, 2013 — Singapore — Author Alfred Chong offers an important exhortation for the global Christian community in his book, ‘Raising the Alarm over False Conversion.’ Millions of Christians are indefinitely lulled to slumber in their unconverted state. They have been misled and are unknowingly living under the deception of false conversion. Chong believes they must be awakened so that they can seek God’s mercy and true salvation.

‘Raising the Alarm over False Conversion’ defines false conversion as relying on false doctrines, false assurances of salvation, good deeds, and religious activities as a means to salvation. The premise of the book is that professing Christians assume that salvation is there for the taking, but most of them are confused about the way to true salvation. False converts, or deceived unbelievers, do not know that their souls are in serious jeopardy.

The book also holds the premise that the most important need of a living person is salvation. Therefore, it is imperative for one to know what actually saves souls. Readers will learn how easily the seekers can become false converts and get trapped in the deception. The book helps explain God’s grace and God’s sovereignty in salvation, true conversion versus false conversion, the visible and invisible aspects of the Church, and the importance of preaching and hearing of the Gospel.

Chong also explains why he believes there are false doctrines, including those concerning free will, decisional regeneration, the sinner’s prayer, and baptismal regeneration. He explains the adverse impact that the church growth movement and mega-churches have on Christian conversions, as well as the danger of false gospels and altar-call evangelism. The book outlines the attributes of religious hypocrites, carnal Christians, and apostates.

Replete with scriptural references, ‘Raising the Alarm over False Conversion’ seeks to answer challenging questions, including how to discern whether a Christian is a true convert and what steps to take in order to pursue true conversion.

Chong writes that false conversion is an all-important matter that must be tackled with urgency as inaction would result in the most devastating and heartbreaking consequence. By raising the issue and sharing knowledge concerning true and false conversions, and by the grace and mercy of God, this book may help to set many false converts free from the devil’s deception so that they are able to seek God’s mercy and true salvation.

‘Raising the Alarm over False Conversion’ is published exclusively in e-book format by and is available from popular online retailers, including,, and Apple’s iBookstore.


“Generally professing Christians assume that salvation is there for the taking, but most of them are confused about the way to true salvation.”

Alfred Chong
(65) 96813783