Musicians and entrepreneurs can become financially free through custom design clothing and web design. This is an artist serving artist website builder which creates sites for musicians and entrepreneurs to advertise their custom design clothing to customers which is also a musician.
The website is created to allow artists to connect and use their collective capabilities to become financially free. is the best website builder that creates online money making opportunities for any musician or entrepreneur. Ras Au-t Amam a reggae artist and owner of the company opens an opportunity to his common artist to become financially free through creating custom design clothing.
Ras Au-t Amam, MFA, Indegenius web narrative producer is very creative and self motivated in supporting cultural organizations and small businesses. He was very dedicated to his own artwork and the work of other musicians and artists that’s why he created broadcast systems to help his fellow artist become financially free.
An artist or a musician can earn money online by giving, what does it mean? Using Au-t Amam system customs, an artist product will generate money online even without using traffic. Although the system is not a quick get rich system but it will surely generate money online. For only a few dollars purchase download of Ras’s system, any musician or artist who want to give a custom shirt design to Ras’s website. The needs of techie skills and website, need of money, is no longer needed to earn money online, Ras has developed a perfect money making system that will make any of his fellow artist financially free. The system is backed up will real time tested products and reinforced by Ras Au-t Amam’s own personal labor.
The product has no return, and selling, advertising and selling of the artist product is no longer needed. Any artist who gives away his product through Ras Au-t Amam system will find a perfect way of money making online.
4 Sure Fire Emergency Money E-Book is a perfect system created by the company in order for an artist to share his talents in creating custom clothing designs. Once the shirt is shared to fellow artist and musicians like Ras, the traffic will flow to the product. The e-book will give each artist the basic directions in shooting for online money making strategies.
Company services
• CMS web development
• Custom t-shirt and apparel designs for performance and video.
• Creative conception and prototype development
One of the musicians who have become financially free by giving away his custom clothing trough the companies system said “ I know that being a musician gives me an insight into the musician’s technical hurdles and now as a marketer I know how to move product”.
For more information about the company’s services, log on to
Company: Rapshirts
Contact: Ras Au-t Amam
Address: Chapel Hill, NC