Real-time energy consumption leads to major savings

(pressebox) Paderborn, 19.07.2011 – Paderborn (Germany), 19 July 2011: Beginning of July the European Commission released an Energy Efficiency Directive aiming to achieve the 2020 target of a 20 percent energy saving, with smart metering and billing set to play a key role. Growing demands for energy efficient systems have increased the call for smart homes.

Orga Systems, #1 choice for real-time charging and billing, offers a SmartEnergy Suite which enables accurate individual and dynamic rating and billing, empowering consumers to manage their energy consumption more efficiently and reduce CO2 emissions at the same time.

Stimulate consumption – personalize the tariff

By using configurable projection time and considering external events such as weather forecasts (wind/sunshine) personalized tariffs can easily be matched to every consumer. This is to leverage consumer’s consumption behavior through specific stimulation and to enable intelligent home automation services. Orga Systems’ OS.Dynamic is able to dynamically adjust any tariff while meeting regulatory requirements. The flexible tariff configuration as well as simulation and forecast features provide easy to use means to launch new offers and service bundles. In line with this OS.Dynamic’s web services for easy access via Smartphones and other mobile devices enable energy consumers to reflect current consumption values, energy costs and prices– a key benefit for the consumer who can constantly monitor and therefore easily lower the energy consumption to save money.

Closing the gaps within the value chain

Orga Systems’ dynamic billing for energy and value added services make demand side energy management an easy task. Real-time processing of load and price signals between multiple providers or users and devices are required to ensure accurate prices. Orga Systems enables dynamic pricing for volatile renewable energies, which is configurable by a centralized rating engine. This can avoid negative pricing or grid congestion in phases of high throughput.

In addition to consumption and cost projections, monthly billing and prepaid energy schemes are supported by the solution as well.
