When self-publishing author Roger Day released his novel Yankee Zoo, he decided to market the book with a webpage using the Qwyqr.com page engine.
„My son introduced me to Qwyqr,“ Roger says, „and I’m pleased to say it really was as easy as he suggested. I simply completed a one-page form, pressed publish, and I had an instant webpage.“
Ease of use was a big factor for Roger. „Having spent some time getting my book ready for Amazon Kindle, I felt I’d already stretched the limits of my technical knowledge. But my author page was up and running in under an hour. That included adding a description and keywords, a few images, a link to my book on Amazon, and a PDF file with some free chapters so readers could see if they like the book before buying the Kindle version.“
Roger’s novel is about a US Prisoner of War who is discovered after 40 years being imprisoned in the Vietnam jungle, so he also added Twitter, Facebook and Youtube channels to his page from US POW and MIA (Missing in Action) groups. „I’m not a big social user myself,“ Roger explained, „but I thought people looking at the page would like to see updated social news about POW and MIA topics.“
Another Qwyqr feature of interest to authors is the ability to grow an opt-in mailing list of people who are interested in your book. „I can see that would be useful for writers who are creating a series of books,“ Roger says, „so the author could quickly send an email to people saying, for example, that the next book in the series was available.“
Self-published authors can see the Yankee Zoo webpage at www.qwyqr.com/yankee-zoo.
A Qwyqr mobile marketing page costs $49 a year. Qwyqr offer authors a 30-day, free trial which also includes a 10-part email course on mobile marketing techniques.
Qwyqr Mobile Webpages
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