The Best Solution of Water Leakage: Application of Ultrasonic Flow Meter

China – The latest technology of ultrasonic flow meter will reduce the leakage rate of water supply enterprise. Nowadays, with the development of electronic technology, digital technology and sound wedge materials technology, the application of ultrasonic flow meter to the measurement of fluid flow has been developed rapidly. The measuring principle of the ultrasonic flow meter is the measurement method of propagation speed difference method, Doppler method. The propagation speed difference method includes direct transit-time difference method and frequency difference method.

Based on the different principle, as we all know, various forms of ultrasonic flow meter which are suitable for different occasions has appeared in succession and the application areas of ultrasonic flow meter are connected with the sectors of industry, agriculture, water conservancy and hydropower.

The numerical flow meter is increasingly becoming the preferred tool for fluid flow measurement. Due to the accurate of the ultrasonic flow meter is far more better than the Mechanical water meter, many of the enterprises owner has called it manufacture low cost ultrasonic flow meter.

The leakage rate is always the principal indicator of influencing the economic benefits of water supply enterprises. In the typical city of China, the leakage rate of it could reach 30%, and, the highest rate is up to 40%. The main factor of the higher leakage rate is due to the starting flow of mechanical meter is considerably higher. It is the common problem for the traditional water supply enterprises. In the actually process of the water using, the client usually made the number of starting flow for automated water meter in critical or lower condition than the normal starting flow.

This kind of situation would cause leakage rate of amount of water. In this case, the ultrasonic flow meter or the so called digital flow meter has emerged as the time require. If you want to buy the best quality ultrasonic flow meter, you should choose heremeter which is the best high-tech flow meter manufacturer around the world. The website of heremeter is

The power consumption of Bottled water sector is another indicator of influencing the economic benefits of water supply enterprises. The huge pressure loss of the conventional mechanical water meter will cause the increase in the power consumption of bottled water units. Owing to the increasingly scarce of water resources and energy, the price of water and electricity is continue to increase. And then, the improving of the two indexes can not only improve the economic efficiency of water supply enterprises , but also has the significance to saving water and energy at the same time. Nonetheless, the two factors are basically depend on the principle of mechanical water meters. So, if we want to solve the problem from the fundament, we should apply the ultrasonic flow meter.

The successful development  heremeter  of the ultrasonic meter which use the principle of ultrasonic flow measuring has completely solved the problems of mechanical water meter which are high flow rate, high pressure loss, low accuracy, short using life. It has various other functions such as wireless meter reading and payment management. So the creation of ultrasonic flow meter has the significance meaning to the  Portable flow meter  decrease for leakage rate.

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