Nowadays we can find steel in almost all types of industry. The usage of steel can be found in our homes as well as outside. The reason why people trust stainless steel is because of its quality. When it comes to use and quality we all want the best. Compared to other materials, its cost effective as well as strong and reliable.
The usage of stainless steel pipe ( German word: edelstahlrohr) have been manifold. They are used in the automotive industry, the boiler industry, railway coaches, electrical industry, oil industry, etc.
The reason for the extensive usage of stainless steel pipes lies in the word itself, stain-less. The word itself implies its quality of corrosion resistance. Stainless steel pipes are widely used for transmission of drinking water. Molybdenum grade stainless steel provides the necessary corrosion resistance to many applications in a cost effective manner as compared to other solutions. When it comes to drinking water, its a source of life for millions of people. Hence it pipes should not react with the chemicals that are added to purify the water as well as they should not react to soil chemistries. Steel pipes provide a durable solution for safe drinking water in the long run.
Steel also provides high resistance to heat. They are also resistant to high pressure and easy to install, maintain and operate.
Pitting occurs due to exposure to certain environment factors such as containing chlorine. In such cases molybdenum bearing stainless steel is required. Stress corrosion cracking is generally unlikely to be found in normal conditions. Certain methods which can detect pitting and cracking are penetrate dye testing, acoustic emission, ultrasonic testing, and eddy current testing.
Seamless pipes which can withstand high pressure are mostly used in boiler and food industry. They don’t have any effect on the water quality and chemical composition. Hence, they are very widely used in those particular industries.
Obwohl edelstahlrohr für ihre Anti ätzende Eigenschaften bekannt sind, sind sie sicherlich nicht völlig immun gegen Korrosion. Das Niveau der Korrosionsbeständigkeit hängt von ihrer konstituierenden Elemente. Es ist sehr wichtig, die am besten geeignete Klasse von Edelstahlrohren für die gewünschte Anwendung auszuwählen.