Virtual Sets Store CG4TV Offers Free Virtual Set Tutorials For Adobe After Effects

CG4TV, a producer of virtual sets and green screen backgrounds, announces a set of free video tutorials for Adobe After Effects on their website, The first tutorial presented by CG4TV can be found at:

Helen Netherfield, a co-founder of CG4TV, says of the free tutorials, „We hope these free video tutorials will shorten the user learning curve for Adobe After Effects, and help many computer graphic designers compliment their efforts to create truly professional television productions. We will release a similar set of tutorials for Final Cut Pro next week.“

Computer graphics design interfaces for video production present many opportunities for bringing high quality production to smaller, focused projects with limited audiences. Adobe After Effects and Final Cut Pro are among the choice programs, but present a hurdle for new users, and those trying a do-it-yourself approach for marketing their own business using videos.

The Adobe After Effects tutorials focus on integrating a live action speaker onto a virtual set. The CG4TV computer graphics tutorial demonstrates how a news announcer can be integrated with a virtual newsroom set to create a high quality and professional news video production.

CG4TV specializes in building virtual sets, 3D animations, backgrounds, stock photos and stock 3D images. The company has done custom designs for Fox News, HBO, Discovery, NASA, Intel and numerous other important television, governmental and corporate clients. The company has won numerous industry and film festival awards.

Their website ( offers many inexpensive royalty-free stock products including virtual sets, backgrounds and graphics. Small video production companies and DIY small business owners are encouraged to visit CG4TV and see how they can learn to use and access high quality, big business, computer graphics production values for their sales or YouTube videos at a comparatively low cost to custom virtual sets or background production.

Examples of CG4TV virtual sets can be found at:

CG4TV specializes in computer graphics production for television shows and commercials. Their series of video tutorials is aimed at video editors, film makers, TV channels and those professionals and students interested in video and television computer graphics production.
CG4TV exists as a brand created, owned and developed by the industry-award winning company E-spaces. Incorporated in 1996, E-spaces was one of the world’s very first practitioners of interactive 3D graphics, a.k.a. ‚virtual reality‘.

Helen Netherfield
323 795 2217
Washington Boulevard 3130, Marina del Rey, CA 90304